Honeywell TH5220D Non-Programmable
2-Stage Heat/Cool Digital Thermostat
After a weekend of wild temperature variations from
my electric wall heater, I started looking for a digital thermostat that I
could use to control my LP furnace, electric wall heater, and the air
conditioner. My plan was to use the electric wall heater (when power is
available) to keep the trailer warm in mild weather and use the LP furnace as
back-up heat for colder weather. I also wanted the same thermostat to control
the air conditioner, and preferably, allow for two-speed fan control. I found
this unit on the Honeywell website and it does it all.
What is unique about this unit is that it is a two-stage control for both
heat and cooling. When connected to CG or generator power, I use heat stage-1
to operate the electric wall heater and heat stage-2 to control the LP
furnace. When running on battery power, heat stage-1 runs the LP furnace and
heat stage-2 is not used. For the air conditioner, cool stage-1 turns on the
air conditioner compressor and operates the fan on LOW speed. If the air
conditioner does not meet the cooling demand on stage-1, then stage-2 is
activated, which switches the fan speed to HIGH. If the thermostat fan switch
is set to ON, without calling for cooling, the fan runs on low speed.
Like the Hunter thermostat, this unit is battery powered and uses internal
relay control to operate the heating and cooling units. This allows the
thermostat, which is intended to be used for 24 VAC HVAC systems, to be used
on 12 VDC RV systems. What is really great about this unit is that it can be
powered from the 12 VDC RV electrical system and use the internal batteries
for back-up. The R and Rc terminals are connected
to 12 VDC RV power (I used a 3 amp fuse) for the control and power functions
and the thermostat C wire is connected to DC ground to activate the power
function.. Although this feature is intended for 24 VAC operation,
it appears that the unit has a small power supply that converts the 24 VAC to
3 VDC internally. By hooking the unit up to 12 VDC, the DC voltage is simply
passed through the power supply rectifier diodes and then regulated down to 3
VDC. Believe it or don't, it does work.
Making all of this work required adding 3 external relays: one to reverse the
heat stage-1 and stage-2 lines depending on if 120 VAC power is available,
one to apply 120 VAC power to the electric wall heater when commanded, and
one to control the A/C fan speed.
Note that in my system, the A/C circuit breaker is manually switched between
A/C and the electric wall heater. I did this because my circuit breaker panel
did not have any spare slots for the heater, and since there is no reason to
run the A/C and heater at the same time, this was not a problem.
After getting this unit installed and wired, I am happy to say that it works
exactly as I intended it to. The suggested price for this unit is around $80
and is intended for professional installation only, so it's not available in
retail stores. I got it on ebay for around $38
including shipping.
Heating and Cooling systems
Premier WhiteŽ
Up to 2 Heat / 2 Cool
Power Method
Battery or Hardwired
Terminal Designations
Rc, R, W (O/B), W2 (AUX), Y, Y2 (E), G, L, C
Switch Positions (Fan)
Switch Positions
Switch Type
Accuracy (F)
+/- 1 F
Accuracy (C)
+/- 0.5 C
Dimensions (in.)
3 9/16 in. High X 5
13/16 in. Wide X 1 1/2 in. Deep
Dimensions (mm)
91 mm High X 147 mm
Wide X 38 mm Deep
Setting Temperature
Range (F)
Heat: 40 F to 90 F
Cool: 50 F to 99 F
Setting Temperature
Range (C)
Heat: 4.5 C to 32 C
Cool: 10 C to 37 C
Electrical Ratings
20 to 30 Vac or 750 mV
60 Hz 50 Hz
Currents (Cooling)
Y = 0.02 A to 1.0 A
running Y2 = 0.02 A to 1.0 A running
Currents (Heating)
W = 0.02 A to 1.0 A
running W2 (AUX) = 0.02 A to 0.5 A running
E = 0.02 A to 1.0 A running
Currents (Fan)
0.02 A to 0.5 A running
Sensor Element
Operating Humidity
Range (% RH)
5 to 90% RH,
Standard Display