Here's the deal, every 100th visitor to our web site receives a free,
all expense paid, vacation for two to Colorado, including airfare, meals,
hotel, lift tickets, and fun money.
So check in often, watch the numbers on the visitor's counter on our home page, and if your number ends in ###00 (as shown in the example below), you're a winner. What could be easier! Example
You won't even need to contact us (in fact, please don't) for the winner's packet . Just pack your bags, wait out in front of your house, and the limo will come by to pick you up. Fine Print: Contest participants must be over the age of 18, and have been born after January 1, 1990, his/her social security number must be the same as his/her phone number including area code, must have resided within 100 nautical miles of Latitude 41º 46' N - Longitude 50º 14' W since 1912, must have at least 10 years programming experience in Java, must think that Dilbert cartoons are management training material, must have only rotary telephone service at work and home, must only use a cell phone while driving, must have 20/20 vision (or you couldn't read this), must know how to program your VCR, resting heart rate must be less than 40 BPM, internal body temperature must not exceed 25 degrees C, hat and shoe size must be the same, and (finally) you must be running Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT on an Intel 80286 or lower processor. Ken and Janet Lenger's Web Page Contest does not discriminate based on race, religion, age, sex (male, female, seldom, often), hair (or lack of) length, or even people who use Apple Macintosh computers. If you feel that these contest rules are in any way unfair, click here to leave your comments, otherwise good luck and we'll see you at the airport. The Management